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    Introducing a new series of blog posts at Kazari + Ziguzagu where we feature the homes of our most inspiring customers.

     First up - Zoe, an artist and avid kimono collector - Zoe uses Ziguzagu vintage Japanese textiles in all forms, including artwork, fashion and haberdashery

    " I did so love my time as an Art director, and have done many things since leaving advertising. All of which have enriched my life in some way but the most splendid thread through it all is my creative freedom. I have always been and will remain a painter but colour is my song, it dominates all i do, so working with Japanese fabrics, silk in particular has become a form of meditation. These beautiful fabrics bring their own lushness and vivacity to my palette, the colours dance and glow when the sun shines through my bedroom window. And then of course, there is my ever expanding collection of kimono, often embellished with great love, colour upon pattern and then some. It's all about the colour." - Zoe

















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