***Currently not taking any repair orders ***

Kazari no longer offer an in house Kintsugi repair service. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer, finished with a coat of gold or silver powder. Kintsugi can be linked to the Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi, an embracing of flawed or imperfect objects.

The materials traditionally used are dangerous and very slow drying, as well as time consuming to prepare and apply. For this reason more contemporary specialised plaster-like materials are used to make up broken parts and to fill gaps (that would otherwise be achieved with the mixing of ‘urushi’, Japanese lacquer, and fine sand). The painting of lines over repaired cracks or rebuilt areas is done using urushi, then fine genuine gold or imitation gold powder is very lightly brushed over the urushi in its semi-dried state, which will become bound as it sets.